Hi, I'm Rob Fellows. I'm here to support and coach you through your parent-care journey.

It's Just Plain Challenging

Your involvement with your parents decline will be challenging. You probably haven't chosen this challenge –at least not at this time. And everyone has had some difficulty with their parents and siblings in the past that can return. Yet, no matter how well you have moved through the difficulties and made yourself into your own individual, your parent's aging and passing will bring new lessons to learn: about them, about yourself, and about life. Engaging in this care will demand you work rationally and responsibly with good resources and thoughtful actions. It also is likely to make you incredibly stressed and vulnerable.

Do you Know How You will Manage?

Self-Care and Mindfulness Matter Here

Without continued attention to one’s own experience -and continued affirmation of best intentions- it is easy for family and caregivers to get lost in, or become blind to, the many issues arising in parent care, the emerging responsibilities, and the demands of difficult decisions that arise. This journey demands mindfulness and continued striving for greater awareness. It is indeed most difficult when you are challenged by complexity, awkward family relationships, and emotionally charged encounters while you continue to strive to meld responsibility and love for your parent, not to mention maintain a full life with family and/or career.

How Coaching Can Help

This Journey Will Change You

No matter how it happens, taking on responsibilities through your parent's decline can give you a deep, new perspective on relationships, love, and the need for compassion. Coaching can help provide a grounded and mindful focus on how to relate to one another as you connect and act to address what is needed. It also offers the opportunity for personal development through the experiences you are going to have. By investing in yourself, you can gain more than personal support, practical process and skills development.
I'm prepared to support you through this valuable endeavor. I'd like to help.

About Me

Why Parent Care Coaching?

There are many aspects to dealing with your aging parent(s) you need to be concerned about:

  • Preparing, and mastering the use of, appropriate resources is important to the outcomes you experience.
  • Steps you take to address the risks and how to respond to new challenges and crisis matters as well.
  • How you communicate with parents -and siblings- often affects getting everyone on the same page.

Yet, beyond the practical steps you can imagine, it’s a good idea to deal with your own experience of what is happening. The nature of parent-care is that it is too often complex and overwhelming. And at one time or another you likely will have to contend with a sense of helplessness and deep frustration. All this adds up to an ongoing personal challenge to cope with the emotional material being turned up. This material affects your capacity to self-manage, connect with family, make good decisions, and, importantly, the life you have after they are gone.

Discerning how to do right by your parents, and what is right for you, can be greatly benefited by investing in coaching for yourself and/or your family.


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